Hi Ho Edgerton Alums,
A very special circumstance has occurred!! Have you ever wished your money could go further, had more buying power? In this very year, it will go further. You can double the value of your donation to the Edgerton Alumni Foundation (EAF) without additional cost. How? Every dollar you donate to EAF in 2024 will turn into two dollars. Why? Because Russ and Janice (Plumb) Veitch (EHS classes of 1962 and 1963) have pledged to match all donations made to EAF in 2024 up to $20,000.
That means more education-related grants similar to some from the past, like Annie Dudgeon Summer Art School, ESD Community Disc Golf Course, EHS Hydroponics System, and Elementary School’s “Make Reading Fun” project will become a reality. Grants have been given to the community and school for many more educational projects that are listed in our brochure. Please take time to read it to learn more about us and the many ways you can be a part of EAF.
Given the Veitch’s generosity, this is surely the time to dig a little deeper into your pockets to promote and pay for remarkable educational projects in the school and community. Consider donating this year to ensure the full matching funds will be available to EAF. If you would like to send in a donation, please include this donation slip, or feel free to use the Donations page. If you feel you cannot donate now, please share this letter with family and friends who may wish to support EAF. And thank you.
Jerry Selvog, Chairman